SEAMEO date 09/08/2017 from TRU at SMP1 banjarmasin
Today, I woke up early at 05.00 am. because my room have 4 people and have bathroom only one in my room. I departure the dorm at 08.00 am. so I go to SMP school with my friends at 08.30 am.
The activity in our school is :
The first thing I meet my mentor general science subject and talk about teaching methods in Indonesia.
The second I observe teaching in this 2 science classes
- Classroom 1 I observe teaching grade 7.
- Classroom 2 I observe teaching grade 9 and I join activity with student.
The last thing I join observe teaching in english class my friends and I talk about introduce myself.
I go to the dorm in university around 3.00 pm.
I have dinner at japanese restaurant with my friends.
The activity in our school is :
The first thing I meet my mentor general science subject and talk about teaching methods in Indonesia.
The second I observe teaching in this 2 science classes
- Classroom 1 I observe teaching grade 7.
- Classroom 2 I observe teaching grade 9 and I join activity with student.
The last thing I join observe teaching in english class my friends and I talk about introduce myself.
I go to the dorm in university around 3.00 pm.
I have dinner at japanese restaurant with my friends.